The laboratory is involved in the following research projects:
"DIRTY-RF: Advanced Techniques for RF Impairment Mitigation in Future Wireless Radio Systems"
Director: M. Valkama (Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland. Participants: HUT, TUT (Finland), UNS (Argentina), UCLA (USA), TU Eindhoven (Holand), TU Dresden (Germany). Granted by Tekes GIGA Technology Programme (Finland). 2008/2010.
"Advanced signal processing techniques with telecommunication applications"
Research Project PIP-CONICET 2008, Director: Dr. Juan E. Cousseau (Univ. Nac. del Sur). 2009/2011.
"Theory and Applications of Adaptive Signal Processing"
Research Project form the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Directors: Dr. J. Coussseau - Dr. P.D. DoƱate. Code: 35/K023. 2009/2011.
"Signal Processing in Communications"
Research Project (Proyecto de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica, PICT-FONCYT) granted by Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientfica y Tecnologica, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Director: Dr. J. Cousseau. 2007/2009.