Recent activities
The list of publications from our laboratory is updated on a regular basis on this web page.
LaPSyC is currently offering four courses related to our research topics, two for undergraduate students and two for postgraduate students.
We are currently involved in four main projects.
Technological areas of interest
The main areas we are currently focusing our research efforts include:
- Signal processing for fixed, mobile and/or celular broadband access (DSL, cable, Wifi, Wimax, extended GSM, B3G, LTE, etc).
- Broadband RF front-end transceiver design.
- Spectrum Sharing – Cognitive radios – software defined radio.
About LaPSyC team
Our research group, LaPSyC, is lead by Prof. Dr. Juan E. Cousseau and is composed of a group of seven PhD researchers (4 professors), seven PhD. candidates, two Mg. candidates and several undergraduate students working on their graduate Thesis. Read more...